
I am Nicole Moreno-Deinzer, a Latina entrepreneur, embarking on a lifelong journey towards becoming a digital nomad, one trip at a time. My story originated in a home in Gilroy, California, surrounded by orchards, horses, and my own water pump – a source of great excitement. Growing up, I was always surrounded by a large family and a constant flow of people in and out of the house.

With so many family members, I learned at a young age, that everyone has their path. You can't expect the same from everyone if they're not given the same tools.

Before long, I found myself taking on leadership roles at a community college and later at San Francisco State University. I earned my BA in Communication Studies and delved into the nonprofit sector. Although I enjoyed serving, I knew deep down that my heart was calling for something different. Wanting to further my education, I enrolled in graduate school to pursue an MBA at Mills College. In 2016, I proudly walked across the stage with my degree in hand, ready for the next big adventure.

I have always been on a quest for adventure, and even while working hard in school, I took trips to Italy, Ireland, Spain, Mexico, Aruba, and many more places around the world. The time spent in a corporate office made it clear – I needed a career that allowed me to continue to travel. With the goal of creating a life of fun and freedom, I entered the online entrepreneurship industry. As long as I had wifi and my laptop, I could work from almost anywhere. One memorable instance was planning a 1,000-person event from the lobby of my hotel in Italy.

That’s when I knew entrepreneurship was my journey. I was meant to create and share my journey.

In 2016, I founded Epifania Culture Magazine™, a Latina Lifestyle Magazine. Within two years, I grew the team from just myself at my kitchen table to a team of 10 remote content creators. In 2023 I closed down that business.

In 2020, amid the global pandemic, I felt the call to expand my impact and founded A La Mode Branding alongside a trusted business partner. It was evident that the world needed someone to step forward and create a personal branding company focused on getting BIPOC women’s stories out there.

Throughout the past seven years as an entrepreneur, I've shared my inspirational story to help lead others toward a life of freedom, passion, and owning their own unique personalities. My story has been featured on Relate & Elevate, Latina Maid Not Made, Happy Apple Podcast, Livin’ Latina, SheNomads, Women of SoCal, and more. I contributed to "Create Your Best Year" by Clara Angelina Diaz and in 2017, I was announced as the winner of AD 2SF 32 Under 32. In 2020, I was also a featured speaker at ALT Summit in Palm Springs.

Currently, I am living in Los Angeles with my husband and cat, working on client projects, writing a book, and planning my year abroad. Throughout it all, I've remained an avid dress wearer, proud Latina adventurer, and a calming voice offering love and encouragement through all circumstances.